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If you’re wondering what Rotary is... it’s simply a group of like-minded friends and business associates who want to make the world a better place. We do what we can to give back to our community and in the process have some fun! Social fun is also part of our club with our twice a year fund raising parties, our social dinner gatherings, plus district-wide Rotary events that include a giant family picnic with a cardboard boat race!


If you’re someone who wants to give back and have fun doing it, I encourage you to come visit and learn for yourself. Stop by one of our Tuesday evening meetings… we HAVE FUN and GET IT DONE!


Los Angeles Colombo Americano Rotary  is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, EIN:261976857  Donations are tax-deductible.

Imagine Rotary

Our Mission

Our Mission

The  Los Angeles Colombo Americano Rotary is very proud of all our projects, especially our flagship Wheelchairs project in Colombia which in the last year delivered about 300 wheelchairs to disadvantaged and handicapped people in Colombia at a cost of abut $32,000. Other projects include Vision to Learn, annual Youth Leadership Grants (RYLA) to local high school seniors, our support for Interact Clubs in our local Leuzinger High School, our Hope Food Baskets and our support for other local projects such as Rise Against Hunger and other Humanitarian projects in Latin-America, just to name a few programs.


Our Vision

Together, we see a world where people unite and take action to create lasting change — across the globe, in our communities, and in ourselves

We Need Your Support Today!

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